
We will not charge you for an estimate.

An estimate will include all necessary information that is specific to your vehicle, and work quoted will be itemized for easy understanding.

We generally only charge out services in a flat rate system. If you are looking for an hourly rate, we can accommodate that depending on the circumstances.

All parts quoted will be new unless otherwise stated.

Estimates are only valid for 30 days, and after which a new estimate will need to be written.

two silver open wrenches
two silver open wrenches
Trustworthy service!

Customer Information & Legal Stuff

Invoicing Information

Invoices are provided based off of approved estimates.

Estimates will change based on the required work performed; there is a reasonable chance that extra work will be needed, or unforeseen circumstances will prevent a quick repair.

If further work is required, you will be contacted by phone or by email for approval.

Invoices will ALWAYS be within 10% of the estimated cost. This allows us to charge out any small supplies needed without express approval and allow for unforeseen part price fluctuations.

As a general practice, we try to always keep the estimate the exact same amount as the invoice.


All work is covered under a 90 day /8000km warranty. When one interval is exceeded, the warranty expires.

Disputes over repair quality must be resolved by First Look Automotive unless that is unreasonable for the safety of the vehicle. We will work with you to resolve any concerns you may have.

Warranty only applies to repairs performed. Performing an oil change does not qualify for warranty on any suspension complaints as an example.


Flexible payment intervals are available for fleet clients. Our standard is Net 10, but each payment term is assessed on individual basis.

For general clients, payments are due on receipt. This means the work must be paid before the vehicle leaves.

Exceptions can apply but will only be evaluated under extenuating circumstances.

If payment is not received for work performed, a notice will be sent out after 30 days past he due date.

45 days after the invoice due date, paralegal entities will be involved a lien will be placed on the vehicle. This allows First Look Auto to seize your vehicle.


We collect payments electronically

E-Transfers are preferred for fleet clients

E-transfers or card transactions are available for private clients